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Allen Miller, the Yankees’

Allen Miller, the Yankees’ Tampa-based orthopedic surgeon. X-rays were negative. The was no additional information but manager Joe Girardi didn’t express too much concern. “His hand swelled up a lot right away,” Girardi said. “I don’t know what that means. … I don’t think he was necessarily trying to catch it with his hand. I think it just caught him. You don’t want to see any of that but it happens.” Girardi was happy with what he saw from one of the pitchers competing for a spot in the rotation. “I thought he threw the ball pretty well. He commands all his off-speeds, he commands his fastball, he changes speeds and that’s exactly what he did today. His split was effective,” Girardi said. “He just got his hand in the way. That’s the one thing I didn’t like.” Encarnacion also hit two homers for Toronto, one against Garcia. After reaching base in the fourth he scored on J.P. Arencibia’s home run off Yankees reliever Cory Wade.

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